
About Melissa Nikolai


I have been a Certified LifeLine Practitioner for four years and have found it to be a never-ending journey of empowerment, healing and growth.  The LifeLine changes you in ways that you didn't realize you could change. The issues, challenges, mindsets and beliefs that define you, the filters through which you view the world, these are not set in stone; we are not doomed to accept and live with them, pulling them out bimonthly in therapy sessions to be examined, explained and conceptualized. We really can change. And that change is really just a reconnection to our authentic selves, our true nature, of love and joy. This isn't just talk, buzz words of the New Age movement, I've experienced it first hand.

Many people find it difficult to love and accept themselves on any level. In fact, self loathing can become so ingrained as to become anchored at a cellular level. A negative mindset then filters one’s experiences to reinforce the negativity. One may constantly find oneself in experiences that strengthen their belief that they aren’t good enough in this world in anything that they do.

We all have experience, myself included, with how exhausting it is to live each day in fear and insecurity. Through Lifeline, many people find a chance to release the hatred, fear and insecurity within themselves, and to allow themselves to connect to the essence of who we all truly are, pure love.

In my world today, I choose love, beginning with self love. The old limiting beliefs and fears don't stick, they have been replaced by thoughts of acceptance and understanding, and of being ok with what "is" in life. This didn't happen over night, I have been transformed through my journey to become a CLP; the training, study, and exploration has been intense and powerful. The changes within have been profound, and the path of my practice  has been unparalleled in my direction towards love, acceptance, and consciousness. As a result, my body and health is strong, my mind is open, and my heart comes from love. Above all, I realize I have a choice in how I respond in life, and that choice empowers me to stay on my path and daily do my own work towards becoming the most loving and peaceful person I can be. The choice is not just a concept; it is real and gets easier every day.

However, my path isn't just singular. I am passionate about bringing the LifeLine to other individuals who are searching for health, peace, prosperity, joy and acceptance. I am in awe of what occurs in a session, as I assist a client to take the courageous steps to dig past their perceived limitations and reconnect to their true nature. The changes are profound and what I witness in my clients inspire and excite me to want to share the LifeLine with as many others as I can.

Melissa Nikolai

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